Backwards Knight

Book Box - The Dark Side of Super

$30.00 - $40.00

Phew, you're in it for the swag, huh? This is a book box containing:

A signed paperback copy (yes, yes, I'll sign it) of The Dark Side of Super

Two bookmarks of distinct design

An art print of the cover design by my highly esteemed and oh-so-lovely wife (and she'll sign it too, what a steal)

A cute and adorable sticker.

Also, you can add on a copy of Arkadia ( our self-published collection of art/short stories/poems) for an extra $10.

Shipping & Handling:
$7 for anywhere in the US. Outside of that, maybe contact me direct to figure something out.

Local Pickups: We can handle these, reach out first to coordinate please.

Notes field: Indicate if you want the book made out to someone else. Or leave me a joke, tell me a story, take me on a wordy journey.

EXPECTED SHIPPING DATE: 3-5 days from purchase